Friday 19 June 2015

How To Prevent Cyber Attacks

Computer crime, cyber or online crime, is any criminal offence which involves a network and a computer. A computer might have been used as a target or as the commission of any crime. Net crime or cyber crime is misuse of the internet. Online Crime Investigation provides helps people and organizations in preventing online crime and securing your online business. 
Experts describe online crime as an offence which is committed against groups or individuals with an intention to cause mental, physical or reputation harm to anyone indirectly or directly. Such criminal offences are done with the use of telecommunication network like Internet via email, notice board, group, chat room or mobile phone messaging. Certain cyber crimes may even impose a threat on the financial health and security of any nation. Issues about this category of crime has now become very high-profile, mostly those which are surrounded by hacking, child pornography, copyright infringements and child grooming. Problems regarding privacy could be there, when ever some confidential information is disclosed or intercepted, legally or otherwise.

It is advised to pay proper attention to the security of your online business to protect it from all sorts of attacks and hacks. But, when you are actually attacked it could be because either you did not have security or your security was not good enough. The real question is what to do after such an attack? The first place you think of reporting to is the law enforcement or higher authority.
Otherwise, lawyers should not be the first person that you should turn to while struggling after you have become the victim of any online crime or attack. Remember to contact Online Crime Investigation after the attack, as soon as possible. We assure that we will be a good response team providing the best service at a very affordable price.

How can we help?? Network Security is a very big concern for any online company, mostly for organizations who have special interest to protect private data and to maintain proper online reputation. This is where Online Crime Investigation comes in. Our company provides a huge variety of security services for proper networking. We provide penetration testing, cyber-crime analysis, data recovery and much more. If required, our team can develop security techniques customized to support the online presence of your company.
Apart from the help you will get from us for security and crime investigation, we can recommend certain small but effective tips to help you and the staff of your company to ensure good security.

  • Proper education and training for all employees, your staff should be completely aware about your security policies to prevent online crime.
  • Everyone in the staff should be aware of the basic hacking tactics and attacks like social engineering, phishing, or packet sniffing. Education and awareness always helps.
  • Keeping strong passwords, securing your computer and data with firewall can at least prevent the most common and known attacks.
  • Even simple techniques like the use of anti-virus software can be effective in securing digital assets, computers and networks. 

Monday 25 May 2015

A Snapshot Of How Twitter Deals With Online Harassment

 Last year, a two-person-large nonprofit advocacy organization called Women, Action, & the Media (WAM!) announced it would collaborate with Twitter to address online harassment. You may have heard about this: By WAM’s count, the announcement generated more than 204 stories in 21 countries.

It was widely misunderstood as a major partnership with Twitter; however, both sides agree it was actually more of an experiment. For three weeks in November, WAM became an "authorized reporter" for Twitter, which meant that the group could identify and report abusive content on behalf of other people. It accepted reports of harassment through an interface on its website, accelerated reports it believed had merit to Twitter, and used the opportunity to better understand online harassment reports and how the social media platform responds.

Throughout the experiment, WAM reviewers received 811 reports of harassment. They escalated 161 of those reports to Twitter, which responded by suspending 70 accounts, handing out 18 warnings, and deleting one account.

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Wednesday 13 May 2015

Online Cyber Crime Investigations and Security: Online Crime Investigation

Cyber Crime Investigations
Every moment individuals and companies face many online problems like: hacker’s cyber attacks on their reputation, online property, brand property and so on. About one-third of all the businesses suffer from this problem over the last 10 years and this number is increases with every passing year. You never know from where you could be targeted by anyone, irrespective of the place you reside because the criminal wants profit and this he can get from the information he steals from your site. The attackers mostly look for the names, credit card number, email and other personal information of your clients. Any typical business would not have the proper resources and time to secure all vulnerable data. For all this problems, there is a name “Online Crime Investigation”, which has a team of the professionals which have expertise in various areas of online cyber security. The team has 5 years of professional experience in crime investigation all over the world. In addition to this, there are team members who are certified ethical hackers and licensed Penetration testers.

Online crime investigation provides various services that cover a majority of clients, starting from individuals to government offices, or from small businesses to large businesses and public relation firms. The team has expertise in online security, website security and administration, reputation management, cyber crime investigation.

Services provided by Online Crime Investigation:

  • Personal Investigation: This will help you to stay protected from hackers. The online crime investigation team secures your web applications, web site or web servers with the latest and advanced technology.
  • Online Business Investigation: This well helps you to have knowledge of your employees so as to be sure about their potential and capabilities to help grow your business. This will provide you with the bad and the good report of employee you have considered hiring. In addition to this, the team will also provide you with the necessary information required for the company you want to be partner with.
  • Individual Crime Investigation: The team will secure you from any online crime and will investigate about any crime or fraud that has happened to you or your business online. A detailed report about what has happened and how it happened is provided to you by the team.

Network security is an important topic for any company or individual who wants to protect their sensitive data and maintain their reputation. Online Crime Investigation thus also provides a variety of network services like: penetration testing, data recovery, cyber crime analysis, etc.

Goals of Online Crime Investigation:

The Goal of online crime investigation is to provide online security to their clients so that they are protected from online attackers. The team of Online Crime Investigation makes it sure that if your site is being hacked, it is cleaned up very quickly and is back within some time. They can also do this by locking the potential access point into your server. Their goal is make their customers satisfied of their services at any cost. They also sort out any issues that have not being resolved previously and require correction. Obviously, the main aim of the team is to get you away from any online crime but it also helps you get protected from the other issues like: damage attack, harassment, illegal image posts and much more. Online Crime investigation wants to remove every little thing that is creating a problem in your business. They wish to see an online crime free platform where everyone is secured and protected.

Online crime is a huge concern for all businesses but remember that they are always here to help you in all situations. They have developed some important tools and techniques that will get you to the secure place you need to be with your company’s online existence.