Friday 19 June 2015

How To Prevent Cyber Attacks

Computer crime, cyber or online crime, is any criminal offence which involves a network and a computer. A computer might have been used as a target or as the commission of any crime. Net crime or cyber crime is misuse of the internet. Online Crime Investigation provides helps people and organizations in preventing online crime and securing your online business. 
Experts describe online crime as an offence which is committed against groups or individuals with an intention to cause mental, physical or reputation harm to anyone indirectly or directly. Such criminal offences are done with the use of telecommunication network like Internet via email, notice board, group, chat room or mobile phone messaging. Certain cyber crimes may even impose a threat on the financial health and security of any nation. Issues about this category of crime has now become very high-profile, mostly those which are surrounded by hacking, child pornography, copyright infringements and child grooming. Problems regarding privacy could be there, when ever some confidential information is disclosed or intercepted, legally or otherwise.

It is advised to pay proper attention to the security of your online business to protect it from all sorts of attacks and hacks. But, when you are actually attacked it could be because either you did not have security or your security was not good enough. The real question is what to do after such an attack? The first place you think of reporting to is the law enforcement or higher authority.
Otherwise, lawyers should not be the first person that you should turn to while struggling after you have become the victim of any online crime or attack. Remember to contact Online Crime Investigation after the attack, as soon as possible. We assure that we will be a good response team providing the best service at a very affordable price.

How can we help?? Network Security is a very big concern for any online company, mostly for organizations who have special interest to protect private data and to maintain proper online reputation. This is where Online Crime Investigation comes in. Our company provides a huge variety of security services for proper networking. We provide penetration testing, cyber-crime analysis, data recovery and much more. If required, our team can develop security techniques customized to support the online presence of your company.
Apart from the help you will get from us for security and crime investigation, we can recommend certain small but effective tips to help you and the staff of your company to ensure good security.

  • Proper education and training for all employees, your staff should be completely aware about your security policies to prevent online crime.
  • Everyone in the staff should be aware of the basic hacking tactics and attacks like social engineering, phishing, or packet sniffing. Education and awareness always helps.
  • Keeping strong passwords, securing your computer and data with firewall can at least prevent the most common and known attacks.
  • Even simple techniques like the use of anti-virus software can be effective in securing digital assets, computers and networks. 

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